Alina Bronsky has been celebrated as a literary prodigy and her debut novel, Broken Glass Park, as an explosive debut. It is the story of a young woman consumed by two dreams: to write a novel about...
Foreign correspondent for Italy's La Repubblica, Daniele Mastrogiacomo was on assignment in Afghanistan in 2007 when he, his driver, and his interpreter were kidnapped by a group of Taliban. The weeks...
Crazy, in love.
In her debut novel, Ashworth takes on a formidable task: an insane yet sympathetic protagonist whose efforts at self-help spell disaster. Annie Fairhurst is a socially inept and obese...
Novelist and visual artist Roma Tearne will be writer in residence at Blackwell Bookshop, Oxford, for one week beginning on April 26th 2010. The inventive Roma will be stirring up ideas and provoking...