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  • Europa Celebrates 100

    To mark the publication of Europa's 100th book, The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine by Alina Bronsky, during the month of May we’re celebrating independent publishing and the booksellers...
  • T: The The New York Times Style Magazine interviews Alina Bronsky

    Hammer and Tickle By STEPHEN HEYMAN Alina Simone is a folk-pop singer who lives in Brooklyn. Alina Bronsky is a fast-rising European novelist who lives near Frankfurt, Germany. Both are young...
  • Laurence Cossé and Amélie Nothomb at PEN World Voices

    This year's PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature features two Europa authors: Laurence Cossé (A Novel Bookstore & An Accident in August) and Amélie Nothomb (Tokyo Fiancée...
  • An Interview with Europa's Editor-in-Chief

    Book blogger Boston Bibliophile is in the midst of a two-week-long series of features on Europa Editions. As part of the series, the blog recently interviewed Europa's editor-in-chief, Michael Reynolds.
  • 100 Days of Giveaways

    In May, Europa Editions will reach an exciting milestone: the publication of our 100th book. To celebrate, we will be giving away one book each day from January 21 - April 30. To win, answer the day's...
  • Alison Anderson's translation of A Novel Bookstore shortlisted

    Anderson's much lauded translation of Laurence Cossé's A Novel Bookstore has received further recognition. The Florence Gould-French American Foundation has selected the translation as one of five...
  • Short Story by Alexander Maksik

    Maksik's You Deserve Nothing, a novel, will be released in fall 2011. It is the first title to be published by Europa's new imprint, Tonga Books. (More Tonga news coming soon.) Last week, SF's Narrative...
  • Indie Booksellers Choice Award

    Melville House is sponsoring a great-sounding new book award. Voting is open to any bookseller working at an independently owned/operated store, and any book published in 2010 by an independently owned/operated...
  • Europa to publish new Bronsky novel

    Publishers Weekly reports on Europa's acquisition of US rights to Alina Bronsky's The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine, a nominee for the 2010 German Book Award. The humorous family saga follows three...
  • Hear Alina Bronsky on NPR

    Alina Bronsky recently discussed her acclaimed novel Broken Glass Park at the Goethe Institut in Washington, DC. Click here to listen to NPR's recording of the event.

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