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Laurence Cossé and Amélie Nothomb at PEN World Voices

This year's PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature features two Europa authors: Laurence Cossé (A Novel Bookstore & An Accident in August) and Amélie Nothomb (Tokyo Fiancée & Hygiene and the Assassin).

A full schedule of both authors' events below. Visit PEN World Voices for more detailed information.

Amélie Nothomb Monday April 25, 2011 7:30 p.m. - Opening Night: Written on Water The opening of the Seventh Annual PEN World Voices Festival on Manhattan’s waterfront. Line-up includes: Festival Chair Salman Rushdie, Amélie Nothomb, Malcolm Gladwell, a duo-reading by Wallace Shawn and Deborah Eisenberg, a special appearance by renowned Czech violinist-vocalist Iva Bittová.
Venue: Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers

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Explore Westbeth Center for the Arts Housing, the city’s oldest and largest artist community located in the heart of the bohemian West Village and attend live readings in the homes of Westbeth residents by Festival participants.

Venue: Westbeth Center of the Arts Housing


Friday April 29, 2011 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Lunchtime Literary Conversations: A Three-Part Series

Since her debut on the French literary scene more than a decade ago, Belgian novelist Amélie Nothomb has published a novel a year. Her edgy fiction, unconventional thinking, and public persona have combined to transform her into a worldwide literary sensation. In the final event of the three-part series, the prolific novelist sits down with Turkish essayist and short story writer Buket Uzuner to discuss the phenomenon of their literary lives. Translation is available.
Venue: La Maison Française 16 Washington Mews (at University Place)

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Friday April 29, 2011 7:00 PM – Translation Slam

Back for the fourth year running, the Translation Slam puts different translations of the same text side by side and invites the translators, poets, and audience members to join in a lively critical debate of how each version meets its creative challenges.

Venue: Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery St., New York City


Laurence Cossé

Wednesday April 27, 2011 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Lunchtime Literary Conversations: A Three-Part Series

Enjoy a tête-à-tête between two bestselling French authors: Laurence Cossé, the author of The Corner of the Veil, Prime Minister’s Woman, and most recently, The Novel Bookstore, and Hervé Le Tellier, the author of Enough About Love, and the forthcoming The Sextine Chapel. Translation is available.
Venue: La Maison Française 16 Washington Mews (at University Place)

Wednesday April 27, 2011 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Authors and Audiences

A writer spends considerable time envisaging his or her readers. But as a manuscript makes its way across the editorial labyrinth—through the hands of editors, agents, publishers and booksellers—the imagined readers become elusive. Editor and author Albert Mobilio leads a fascinating panel discussion exploring the wide gulf between a writer’s desired audience and the readers they ultimately find.
Venue: Cultural Services of the French Embassy 972 Fifth Avenue at 79th Street

Special Event hosted by Europa Editions and Community Bookstore Friday April 29, 2011 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - Laurence Cossé in conversation 

Join Laurence Cossé for an intimate discussion with with World Literature Today's Michelle Johnson. Followed by a reading and audience Q&A

Venue: Community Bookstore (143 Seventh Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn)

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