Dark Paradise
"Marseilles is paradise. They respect me here. I'm not a wog." That's the voice of an Algerian soldier fighting for France in Rachid Bouchareb's 2006 World War II drama Indigènes...
Run Hedgehog, Run!
Le Monde (France)
October 2, 2007
The Hedgehog’s running, all right. And from the offices of Gallimard, its French publisher, they’re watching the phenomenon with a...
Author of The Worst Intentions Alessandro Piperno will be on tour beginning the week of October 15th. Cities include:
Vancouver, October 18-October 22
Chicago, October 23
Toronto, October...
Publisher Sandro Ferri ruminates on the reception afforded translated fiction from Europe in the United States.
What We Can Offer American Readers
What can we offer American readers? As European...