Shukri Mabkhout was born in Tunis in 1962. He holds a state doctorate in Literature from the Arts College of Manouba, Tunisia, and is head of the Manouba University. He is the author of several...
Giovana Madalosso is a Brazilian writer and screenwriter, born in Curitiba in 1975. She has been a finalist for the Biblioteca Nacional Award and the São Paulo Prize of Literature. The Tokyo...
Deirdre Madden was born in Ireland in 1960 and studied at Trinity College, Dublin and the University of East Anglia. She is the author of nine novels, including The Birds of Innocent Wood, which won...
Alessandro Marzo Magno was born in Venice, Italy in 1962. He worked as a journalist for various newspapers and was chief editor of the foreign affairs desk at Diario for ten years. He has since published...
Alexander Maksik is the author of You Deserve Nothing (Europa, 2011), a New York Times and IndieBound bestseller; A Marker to Measure Drift, which was a New York Times...
Jean-Denis Bruet-Ferreol, who writes under the pseudonym Mallock, was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1951. He is not only an author, but also a painter, photographer, designer, inventor, artistic director,...
Marco Malvaldi was born and lives in Pisa, where he obtained a PhD in Chemistry from the Normale University. His previous books include the Bar Lume series, featuring Massimo the Barman and the...
Valerio Massimo Manfredi is a professor of classical archaeology at Bocconi University in Milan. He is the author of many works of fiction, including the Alexander trilogy, Spartan, and The...
Andrea Marcolongo is an Italian journalist, writer, Classics scholar, and former speech writer for Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The Ingenious Language was a bestseller in Italy and in many...
Leïla Marouane was born in Algeria in 1960 and has lived and worked in Paris since 1990. In addition to The Sexual Life of an Islamist in Paris, she is the author of four novels and one collection...
Author Carole Martinez, a former actress and photographer, currently teaches French in a middle school in Issy-les-Moulineaux. She began writing during her maternity leave in 2005.
Daniele Mastrogiacomo was born in Karachi in 1954. Since 1980, he has covered national and international affairs for the Italian daily La Repubblica. He has worked as a foreign correspondent in...
Aoko Matsuda is a writer and translator. In 2013, her debut book, Stackable, was nominated for the Mishima Yukio Prize and the Noma Literary New Face Prize. In 2019, her short story “The...
Edna Mazya was born in Tel Aviv in 1949. She is one of Israel's most lauded and popular playwrights. In 1997 she received the Margalit Prize for her play Family Story. Her performed plays include...
Liam McIlvanney is the winner of the Saltire First Book Award and the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime Novel. He is a regular contributor to publications including the London Review of Books...
William McIlvanney is widely credited as the founder of the Tartan Noir movement that includes authors such as Denise Mina, Ian Banks, and Val McDermid, all of whom cite him as an influence...
Lorenzo Mediano is a doctor, environmental writer, and the author of four novels. He was born in Saragossa, Spain, in 1959. His great passion is for the mountains he calls home, the Pyrenees.
Cloé Mehdi was born in 1992. She started writing in college to make the time pass faster. There followed Monstres en cavale, her first novel, which received the 2014 Beaune Prize. Nothing Is...
Daniele Mencarelli is a poet and author. Born in Rome in 1974, he now lives in Ariccia, Italy. He is a regular contributor to several Italian newspapers and magazines. Everything Calls for Salvation...
Alex Miller is the two-time winner of Australia’s premier literary prize, the Miles Franklin Award, and winner of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for The Ancestor Game. His novels have...
Andrew Miller is one of Britain’s leading novelists. He has won the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and has been shortlisted for the Booker Prize and the Whitbread Novel Award. His bestselling...
Paolo Milone was born in Genoa in 1954. He has worked as a psychiatrist for over forty years, first in a mental health clinic, then in an emergency psychiatric ward. The Art of Binding People...
Dror A. Mishani is the author of an award-winning detective series, featuring police inspector Avraham Avraham. The novels, which have been translated into more than 15 languages, have won the...