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  • Next Magazine: Praise for Daniel Arsand's LOVERS

    "A transporting French novel perfectly suited to the summer blues." -Jameson Fitzpatrick, Next Magazine Summer is not my favorite season. As much as I love a revealing tank top and a short...
  • The Brooklyn Rail: Mindy Cardozo interviews Thad Ziolkowski, author of Wichita

    Wichita, the first novel from Thad Ziolkowski, Director of the Writing Program at Pratt Institute, is a postmodern take on the false binary of the country and the city. New York and the Midwest each...
  • 2012 Strega Prize: Awarded to Alessandro Piperno

    Alessandro Piperno has been awarded the 2012 Strega Prize for the second book in his Friendly Fire of Memories diptych, INSEPERABLE. Europa will publish the first book, PERSECUTION, in August. Alessandro's...
  • Our Fall 2012 Catalog Is Here!

    Europa Editions is pleased to announce its wonderful selection of Fall 2012 titles! Download your Fall 2012 Catalog below, and check out what we'll be offering this upcoming season!
  • A Q&A with Daniel Arsand, author of Lovers.

    Lovers is the English language debut of French author Daniel Arsand. It tells the story of the love affair between Sébastien Faure, the fifteen-year-old son of a peasant family, and Balthazar...
  • A Titanic Anniversary

    Next month, Europa Editions will re-issue the best novel ever published about the Titanic, Beryl Bainbridge's Every Man for Himself, a book The New Yorker recently described as "a sleek, masterful...
  • International Women's Month

    To celebrate International Women's Month Europa Editions is giving away copies of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's The Woman with the Bouquet. For a chance to win your copy of this charming collection of stories...
  • Live Author Events: Meet Steve Erickson, Jesse Browner, and Audrey Schulman

    Live events with Europa authors coming up in late February and March. Audrey Schulman, author of Three Weeks in December, will be appearing in Boston at Brookline Booksmith 2/21, details; Boston...
  • Three Weeks in December

    In Three Weeks in December, "Schulman delivers the known world in startling new sounds, colors, tastes and smells."—The New York Times Book Review
  • Michael Silverblatt Interviews Steve Erickson for KCRW

    Listen to interview “Actions echo across time, continents and realities...a series of endless, astounding tessellations....The four central characters who provide the messy, vibrant heart...

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