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Europa editions (411 Listed volumes)

  • Cover: Three Weeks in December - Audrey Schulman

    Audrey Schulman

    Three Weeks in December

    2012, pp. 352, $ 18.00
    Region: United States
    Evoking both Barbara Kingsolver and Andrea Barrett, this enthralling fiction, wise and generous, explores some of the crucial social and cultural challenges that, over the years, have come to shape our world.
  • Cover: The Nun - Simonetta Agnello Hornby

    Simonetta Agnello Hornby

    The Nun

    2012, pp. 288, $ 15.00
    Region: Italy
    A Mediterranean sister to the heroines of Jane Austen and Emily Brontë, Agnello Hornby’s Agata, the Nun of the book's title, fully inhabits her own time yet embodies strength of will and a spiritual fortitude that is timeless.
  • Cover: Everything Happens Today - Jesse Browner

    Jesse Browner

    Everything Happens Today

    2011, pp. 224, $ 15.00
    Region: United States
    Everything Happens Today is funny, moving, generous and exhilarating. It will enchant young adults who see themselves in the story as well as adult readers who will be captured by the deeply sympathetic characters and the acute feel for the way we live now. Most readers will want it never to be...
  • Cover: The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress - Beryl Bainbridge

    Beryl Bainbridge

    The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress

    2011, pp. 208, $ 15.00
    Region: Britain
    Subversive, sinister and marvelously vivid, Beryl Bainbridge’s great last novel evokes a nation on the brink of self-destruction with artful brilliance.
  • Cover: An Accident in August - Laurence Cossé

    Laurence Cossé

    An Accident in August

    2011, pp. 192, $ 15.00
    Region: France
    From the author of A Novel Bookstore comes further proof of a prodigious and remarkable literary imagination at work.
  • Cover: Moffie - André Carl van der Merwe

    André Carl van der Merwe


    2011, pp. 336, $ 15.00
    Region: South Africa
    from Moffie I have been thrown into hell; herded into the Defence Force, into the abattoir of its border war like an animal to slaughter, with no say over my own destiny. Forced to kill people I don’t know, for a cause I don’t believe in.
  • Cover: Second Reading. Notable and Neglected Books Revisited - Jonathan Yardley

    Jonathan Yardley

    Second Reading. Notable and Neglected Books Revisited

    2011, pp. 256, $ 16.00
    Region: United States
    Collected from a popular Washington Post column of the same name, Second Readings is an incisive and entertaining look at the career and times of an esteemed critic and the venerable books that shaped him.
  • Cover: 12 Who Don't Agree - Valery Panyushkin

    Valery Panyushkin

    12 Who Don't Agree

    2011, pp. 224, $ 15.00
    Region: Russia
    The battle for freedom in Putin's Russia
  • Cover: Concerto to the Memory of an Angel - Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

    Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

    Concerto to the Memory of an Angel

    2011, pp. 192, $ 15.00
    Region: France
    Winner of the 2010 Prix Goncourt for the Novella From Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, acclaimed author of The Most Beautiful Book in the World and The Woman with the Bouquet, comes another collection of richly imagined narratives that consolidate his position as a master of the novella.
  • Cover: Get Me Out of Here - Henry Sutton

    Henry Sutton

    Get Me Out of Here

    2011, pp. 304, $ 15.00
    Region: Britain
    In the spirit of Bonfire of the Vanities and American Psycho, Henry Sutton’s new novel brilliantly depicts the culture of irresponsible entitlement that led to the current economic malaise.

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