“Humanity is hurtling into outer space, creating new states of matter and developing ever-creepier forms of artificial intelligence—one of which I consulted to help compose this sentence—and yet still hasn’t solved child care. The Tokyo Suite, the first novel by the Brazilian writer Giovana Madalosso to be translated into English, confronts this big problem in a tense, taut not-even-200 pages.
I’d been trying mightily to watch the third season of “The White Lotus” and gotten impatient with its fetishization of leisure, the hooting monkeys and poolside high jinks. Checking into The Tokyo Suite scratched some of the same itch for stories of class struggle. Sharp and smoky, to be inhaled rather than binged, it’s a novel for the working woman, in every sense of that redundant phrase.”
Read the full review in The New York Times Book Review.