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“Quietly beguiling.”

Author: Heller McAlpin
Newspaper, blog or website: Wall Street Journal
Date: Mar 8 2025

“Mr. Seethaler’s quietly beguiling eighth novel, The Café With No Name, is his most uplifting to date... The sense of community that emerges in the nameless coffee house recalls the connections forged between quirky, lonely people in Haruki Murakami's stories and in Satoshi Yagisawa’s novel, Days at the Morisaki Bookshop. At one point, Robert attempts to articulate what the cafe means to his patrons: ‘The world's turning faster and faster, and now and then it throws people off course whose lives are heavy enough as it is. Isn’t it a good thing if there’s a place for them to hold onto?’ Mr. Seethaler’s sensitive, compassionate novel provides such a toehold.”

Read the full revew in the Wall Street Journal.

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