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The Boston Bibliophile interviews Alina Bronsky, author of Broken Glass Park

The Boston Bibliophile recently published a review of Broken Glass Park. The literary blog is now releasing an interview with the author of the novel, Alina Bronsky.

Can you tell us a little about the setting- the cultural conditions for Russian/Russian-Jewish immigrants in Germany?

AB: In real life, there is a broad range of different immigrant groups. There are more and less well educated people with very differnt backgrounds, personal stories, language skills, and chances of success. For my novel I picked out a rather special, but tragically very realistic setting: a housing project populated by Russian-born immigrants who haven’t succeeded in gain a foothold in Germany; their lives on the edge of the society are full of frustriation, addiction and violence.

Why did you decide to tell this particular story? What research did you do? I was very impressed with the realism with respect to the psychology of abuse in the book.

AB: Thank you very much. I wanted to tell a story of survival, to describe a girl rebelling against her destructive environment. It was natural for me to choose a heroine who is born in Russia and grew up in Germany like me. I did not need any special research for this story. The novel is based on my own experiences and observations.

Who influences your writing?

AB: Every book I read influences me - I am always aware of what I like or dislike while reading. I also love listening to other people telling the stories of their lives. Nothing is as interesting as emotions.

Near the end of the book, Sascha has a beautiful epiphany over a game of chess. Her subsequent actions, which end the novel, seem to me to contradict the hopefulness and joy she feels. Do they? What's the final message of the book? What does the future hold for the Saschas of the world?

AB: Yes, Sascha is a contradictory character. She is torn between hope and desperation, joy and the wish for destruction, love and hatred. I prefer not to indicate any messages but to let every reader free to feel about Sascha in his or her own way. As far as I am concerned, I am optimistic about her future. Girls like Sascha will decide their own road.

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