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Elle- Lit Life: "Jenn Ashworth on the Dangers of Little Girls"

from Elle
interview with Nojan Aminosharei

"I was around sixteen when a friend gave me Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye, and I've read it for inspiration once or twice a year ever since. The way the narrative plays with tense and time is amazing. I love books about people remembering—examining the ways we interact with our pasts is something I do in my own fiction, and my characters are as obsessed with their memories and the reliability of those memories as Elaine, the narrator in Cat’s Eye, is. And the way the violent relationships between little girls is portrayed was startling, disturbing and, to me, very true to life. How Cordelia's eyes are described, two or three times, as 'metallic'—it's a deliberate repetition that captures perfectly the danger she represents to the young Elaine...

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